Friday, January 30, 2009

Teachers 2.0: Teaching In the Digital age

This is an amazing website for those who really wanna know more about the use of teachnology in the classroom. There are 316 members of this group and the number is still increasing, where most of them are teachers.This is the group of people from the field of education who aim to help each other to use new teachnology and enhance teaching and learning process.
I have joined this group due to the following reasons:

1. It's a whole world of knowledge on the use of new teaching tools. There are many topics like " How are you using technology in your classroom?, etc dealts with.

2. There are many useful articles related to teaching are potsed.

3. I already feel that I need to learn alot about the use of teachnology in the classroom.Through this group, i would be able to do my modules better for my LAI 598 class.

4. There are links to other edu blogs too.

5.I would also get wonderful ideas on how to improve my blog by adding colourful features as done here.

I would be benfiting from this group as a learner and be able to use the knowledge gained from here to improve my teaching strategies as a teacher.

I have decided to be in touch with this group for all the benefits listed above.And I am sure there
is more to discover.

I would suggest you guys to try and visit this site .

Today's Learner is Like a Branch of Tree

After reading, Siemens, article on Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning,
I come to this opinion that today’s learner is like one branch of a tree. Like the tree branches are connected to each other, today’s learner is also connected to other individuals through technology which works like the tree trunk. As, Siemens, in his article says, “Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning”, the tree trunk, provides the food and water to all its branches for their growth , in the same way, technology like computer, internet, blogs, IPods, mobile etc. has connected all the learners together and provides us with instant information for our healthy growth.

“Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions”, (Siemens, G. 2005, January) Technology provides us the platform where we share our opinions, learning, experiences etc. in other words collaborate and communicate and through this sharing more learning takes place. The best thing about technology is that this learning is rapid, and instant, like Siemens says in his video on Networking Is learning, no matter wherever we are and whatever subject or field we want to get knowledge about, we get the current and quick information through technology.

This learning process is continual.And the tree which represents society in this analogy grows as the result of all the learning in this process, and it goes on and on.

Here I would also like to state that many people blame technology for bringing distances between human beings and state that people do not have time for each other as they sit in front of computer all the time. But honestly, I think the correct use of technology has brought us closer, e.g. we can talk and see our loved ones through computers, can email them, send the cards to express our love for them etc.


1.Siemens, G. (2005, January). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning,

2. The Changing Nature of Knowledge Retrieved January 10, 2009.
3. The Conflict of Learning Theories with Human Nature Retrieved January 10, 2009.
4. The Network is the Learning Retrieved January 10, 2009.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Use of blogs in higher education

In my view, teachers can use blogging for various purposes.

1. They can post assignments, syllabus, new announcements for students etc. this would enable the students to respond quickly.

2. In my experience as the incharge students' affairs in my country, i had to communicate with the presidents of many students' clubs. I used to find it very difficult to announce any event, discuss any matter or communicate with these presidents and secrateries and would call them all the time and then they would come to my office, which was the great wastage of money and time.Now i think i would be able to use blogs as the plateform for all such functions. it is a big relief from all those headaches, i used to have.

3.Another big advantage of blog is that it provides a kind of discussion forum to students and teachers.Through this forum the students can teach eachother and can share various ideas and useful links.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hello every one!

Happy new year to all.